How many types of AHU filters are there?

There are several main types of filters used in Air Handling Units (AHUs) to improve indoor air quality by capturing contaminants. The most common types include:

Panel filters:

These are disposable, flat filters made of fiberglass or similar materials. They are the least efficient but also the most affordable option. They are typically used in residential applications or pre-filters to capture larger particles and extend the life of higher-efficiency filters downstream.

How many types of AHU filters are there?

Pleated filters:

As the name suggests, these filters have pleated media to increase the surface area for capturing dust, mold spores, and pet dander. They are more efficient than flat filters but also more expensive. Pleated filters are rated according to the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) system, with higher MERV numbers indicating greater efficiency.

Pleated filters

Bag filters:

These are deep pleated filters that resemble bags and offer higher efficiency than standard pleated filters. They are often used as secondary filters to capture finer particles like pollen and bacteria. Bag filters are less common than pleated filters but can be a good option for capturing large amounts of contaminants.

HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters:

These filters are highly efficient and can trap at least 99.97% of particles down to 0.3 microns. They are ideal for applications requiring very clean air, such as hospitals and cleanrooms. HEPA filters are also rated according to their efficiency, but unlike MERV ratings, there is a binary pass/fail system for HEPA certification.

Carbon filters:

These filters are used to remove odors and gaseous contaminants from the air. They are often used in conjunction with other types of filters for comprehensive air quality control. Carbon filters typically contain activated carbon, a material with a large surface area that can adsorb gaseous contaminants.


In addition to these main types, there are also other specialized filters available, such as electrostatic filters that use an electrical charge to trap particles. The best type of filter for an AHU will depend on the specific application and the level of air quality required. Looking to install a commercial HVAC System or Duct work in your Business Area? Contact Vipul Ac to learn about our HVAC Service Call +91 8000092000 Today.


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