What is VAV in HVAC?

What is VAV in HVAC?

VAV stands for Variable Air Volume. It’s a type of HVAC system designed to deliver varying amounts of air to different zones within a building, depending on the cooling or heating needs of each specific area. This approach offers several advantages over traditional constant air volume (CAV) systems.

Here’s a breakdown of how VAV systems work:

  • Central Air Handling Unit (AHU): The AHU conditions the air (heating, cooling, dehumidifying) and supplies it to the building.
  • Variable Airflow: Unlike CAV systems that deliver a constant airflow, VAV systems adjust the airflow based on the demand.
  • Zone Control: Each zone (room, section of a floor) has a VAV terminal unit or VAV box with a sensor (usually a thermostat) that detects the temperature.
  • Demand Response: The sensor in the VAV box sends a signal to the terminal unit, which adjusts a damper to regulate the airflow.

Benefits of VAV Systems:

  • Improved Comfort: Provides more precise temperature control in different zones, leading to better occupant comfort.
  • Energy Efficiency: By delivering only the necessary amount of air, VAV systems can significantly reduce energy consumption compared to CAV systems.
  • Reduced Noise: Less overall airflow can lead to quieter operation of the HVAC system.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

Feature VAV System CAV System
Airflow Delivery Variable based on zone demand Constant airflow throughout the building
Temperature Control More precise control in each zone Consistent temperature across the building
Energy Efficiency More energy-efficient Less energy-efficient
Noise Level Potentially quieter operation Potentially louder due to constant airflow

However, VAV systems can also have some drawbacks:

  • Complexity: Compared to CAV systems, VAV systems have more complex controls and require proper maintenance.
  • Cost: The initial installation cost of a VAV system might be higher than a CAV system.

What is VAV in HVAC?

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